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My MUM , who died in 1971 , she was never ill,but her bloods wasn't right ,she had Just turned 45years of age in the November and died 20th April 1971 😥

IAM her daughter , I was just 20years of age in October 1970 ,got Married on the 5th December ,and she died on the 20th April 1971😥 5 month's later

I didn't know anything about this illness ,till long after My Mum died ,because she was never sick ,she was a Great at baking ,knitting , a stay at home Mum looking after My Dad 💙coming in from work ,& My brother & Myself ,My brother was just 18years of age on the 5th April 1971😥 ,My Dad 💙was Heartbroken ,because they lived for one another ,never ever did they drink or go to a pub ,there were devoted to each other he was 45years old ,they went to the Pictures or out for a nice meal ,